New interview with Nick Pope about UFOs

Late May 2011 – Nikki talks to Nicholas Pope, Author, Journalist and UFO Expert, about the possibilities that we might not be alone in this world. Nicholas has worked with the British Government’s UFO Project at the Ministry of Defense and talks with Nikki about his discoveries.

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  1. There are two radio broadcasts seldom heard that describe the Roswell saucer crash material.Description goes something like this-flimsy,box kite like-No power plant-Not looking to be able to carry a human-tinfoil is mentioned.These broadcasts are before the military retracted the story.Now this sounds like the remains of Mogul to me.I think you can find the broadcasts on Youtube.

  2. Mogul baloons were first used a few years after Roswell crash. and with that I mean the top secret usage. the military mentioned the mogul baloons and crash test dummies just after lots of people came out with testimonies in wich they say they saw bodies. they are making this up as they go.<br />just for the record…there is no quality in some of the posts on this site. for example in this:

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