I just recieve this interesting UFO sighting report.
From: Yasmin
Place: Los Angeles, CA
Date: October 26, 2014
Witness report: I filmed this incredible cigar shaped ufo at Mac Arthur Park in Los Angeles CA this past Sunday October 26, 2104. As you’ll see in the video the ufo is elongated and tube shaped. Many might call this an Ebani ufo or flying snake. Prior to this sighting we had all gathered for a UFO Summoning Event with Robert Bingham at Mac Arthur Park. After the event fellow UFO Researcher Fausto Perez and I hung around and spotted this incredible ufo!

Awesome Yasmin! Well done friend.
It’s the high altitude balloon as used by South Koreans to send leaflets into the North.
Very interesting sighting!
One a these days you folks is gonna start seeing them ufos the way o’l fred and whatsyurbeef see em, that’s a sausage shaped ufo folks.
Looks like a balloon, you can’t say it’s alien, there’s not enough there to say that.
yes of course to happened to show up for the UFO buffs. It looks like a balloon or kite to me. But Then I wasn’t there.
Balloon. They are often used as amusement toys (though pretty expensive) here in Europe. Normally tethered, the tether sometimes breaks.
Joe Hockey was wondering where that Cigar got to when He stood on the See Saw ??
Could be a balloon, hard to say.
I saw a cigar shaped UFO around a year ago down of the waters of Cape Cod. It was flying high aand fast gone in about 12 seconds. Please keep me informed and updated on any new sightings both pictures and videos. I am now highly intrested i these interplanetary craft flying threw our skies. Thanks Frank Calisi
Perfeito, já vi um desses onde moro, Piratiniga-Rio de Janeiro
We are meant to see the UFO’s. Making their presence known is a polite way of saying YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE.
looks like a silk waorm floatin off the tree or a hang glider minus a person but doesnt look like an aircraft.