Latest UFO sighting – Lights in the sky in triangle formation recorded over Oxford, UK this Saturday – February 20, 2010 at 10:35 pm.
“I saw these strange lights in the sky at 22.35 this evening, the 20th February 2010. They were orange or amber in colour and flew in a loose formation of 8 or 10 northeast over Oxford, England. After a minute or two they slowed down, flickered and went out. Were they Chinese Lanterns? If so why did they fly so fast; theres almost no wind, and how did they slow down? Also the little wind around is a south-easterly.”
Author (benthejrporter @ youtube)
Most recent UFO sightings report. ovni. England, GB – Great Britain, United Kingdom triangular UFOs. 20-feb-10. Conspiracy theory about 2010 astra aurora project. tr3b

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