Location of Crop Circle: Field next to iron age and Roman earthworks near village of Hawton, near Newark Nottinghamshire. This crop circle was reported on Wednesday, 22nd June 2010.
The earthworks are known (locally at least) as the Hawton Redoubt. This is an English Civil War site but I believe that there is evidence that there have been both iron-age and Roman sites there previously. Earthworks are one thing we’re not short of around Newark with it being a major site in the Civil War with Charles 1st being there. (and Cromwell).
OS Map Reference: gps 53″3.08N 0″49.85W
Type of Crop: Wheat or barley
Description of Crop Circle: Plain circle
source: www.cropcircleconnector.com

isn't perfect circle 🙂 just human made activity near a historicaly place but …not ancient place
A couple of months ago, me and my boyfriend were just sitting about in his living room and at about 11pm he noticed a bright light outside the window. We didnt think much of it but he kept looking and it seemed to be there for a while.<br />We both went outside to have a better look and saw that it wasnt moving, or making a noise but it seemed pretty close to where we were – not even a mile away.