Latest UFO sightings – This interesting photos were taken in New York on Tuesday, 7th December 2010.
Witness report:
Place of sighting: 122 Van Vlack Road Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Date of sighting: December 7th, 2010
Description: I was driving home on the highway the other night and there was this strange beam of light that didn’t appear to be coming from ground but was way too large and bright of a light to be an airplane or anything of that sort. My dad and I followed the light and as we got closer to home, we were beginning to get closer to the light. Once we were in town we realized the light wasn’t too far so we decided to further follow it. When we finally got to where the light appeared to be originating, the light mysteriously disappear. We then turned around and about 5 minutes later as we were driving back home the light re-appeared. We went home, I grabbed my camera and got some really good shots of the light. We went back to where the light was and it once again disappeared just as we approached it. The! first and second pictures I will upload are originals and the third is a retouched photo.
Author: Dylan Q.
source: submitted to
Click on the photos to enlarge!

i live in upstate ny and i seen this same EXACT thing last night (jan 10th 2011) over watertown and sackets harbor.. the beam over watertown was a orange color like in these photos.. the other one was white and it was going on and off every few seconds.. i went inside and told my freind and by time i got back outside they both were gone.. idk what it was but it kept me up all night wondering..