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1st May 2012; UFO dropping lights – Escondido, California
2nd May 2012; triangle-shaped UFO – Sydney, Australia
6th May 2012; triangle formation – Bordeaux, France
9th May 2012; trianglular UFO – Moscow, Russia
11th May 2012; trianglular UFO – Fresno, California
12th May 2012; morphing UFO – Scottsdale, Arizona
20th May 2012; 2 UFOs – Ontario, Canada
20th May 2012; strange bright object – Hanoi in Vietnam
22nd May 2012; mass UFO activity – New Zealand
24th May 2012; huge bright object – Melbourne, Australia
26th May 2012; multiple unknown objects – Birmingham, United Kingdom
27th May 2012; bright object – San Antonio, Texas
28th May 2012; UFO activity – Dulce, New Mexico

the angels are invited to the "feast"as the bible would put it…
biggest crock of crap EVER!
Not so sure about abductions, but UFO's do exist.
We saw red dots over daytona beach.Fl last night 7-4-12. It was about 9:45pm till about 10:30 pm. I didn't have a video camera but took pictures with my camera. They came one by one in the same flight patten at least 4 times. They just appeared and hung around then they were gone. Definately NOT any kind of airplane. Did anyone else report this sighting?