On January 20, 1996, the NORAD air defense agency in the US notified their Brazilian counterparts about a UFO flying over southern Brazil. The agency then coordinated with the country’s air defense division, CINDACTA.
The details about the incident were leaked to the media by a Brazilian Air Force soldier and a staff member at a radar facility in Comar. The farmers, Eurico and Augusta Rodrigues, were woken up by the noises from their farm. They tried to find out what was causing the disturbance, but the animals kept running away from them.
Upon looking into the night sky, they saw a silent UFO. Emergency services usually laugh when they hear about a strange creature. Upon reaching the Varginha Fire Department, which was alerted to the incident on January 20, 1996, the members of the team immediately started laughing.
The incident started early that morning after a panicked call was made to the emergency services stating that a strange creature was spotted in Jardim Andere. Initially, the dispatcher thought that the reporter was drunk or was simply having a hard time remembering what happened.
In Brazil, the Fire Department personnel are part of the military. They must respond to all calls. If this was a prank, the group would grow, and more people would report seeing the strange creature. The firefighters followed the instructions of the civilians and went to the site where the first call was made.
Upon reaching the site, the firefighters were surprised to find that the creature was the source of the reports. It was in a dazed condition when it was captured. Three protrusions appeared on its head, which glowed red.
The creature had long legs, big feet, and long arms. It was captured around 2 and a half hours after the first call was made. The strange creature’s appearance has led to speculations about a type of alien being visiting our planet.
It was not the only alien being spotted that day. Three women, namely Valquira, Lilliane, and Andrade Xavier, were on their way home after work when they came across another UFO. Similar to the one spotted earlier, their description of the alien was similar.
As they accelerated towards their destination, one of the women’s mothers went back to the area where the sighting took place. There, she saw the creature’s foot prints and the smell of ammonia coming from the air.
There were various reports of multiple alien sightings that day. One of the creatures was reportedly taken to a local hospital before being sent to the Humanitas facility.
Military personnel were reportedly involved in transporting the creature. It was later reported that one of the creatures died, and it was taken to an area hospital for an autopsy.
Many videos and photos of the creature were taken during the autopsy process. However, none of these have been released to the public. A few weeks after the incident on January 20, Marco Eli Cherese, a military policeman who was part of the investigation, died.
According to reports, he died due to the effects of being in contact with the alien. Following the incident, the press went on a search for more details about the case, and two of the women involved started asking for monetary compensation. Luiza Helena, the mother of one of the women, said that she was offered a large sum of money to testify.
She said that the money was used to silence her testimony. The other woman’s mother also said that they would come back. However, she added that they could not hide the truth.
Members of the military and fire departments also maintained that they did not know about the presence of an alien. This explanation was not surprising, as there were multiple reports of strange troop movements that day.
All of the hospitals where the alleged alien was taken were emphatic that they did not know about the incident involving the creature. It’s natural for people who are involved in such an incident to maintain a dignified silence.
Badan Palhares, the pathologist who performed the autopsy on one of the creatures, denied any involvement in the incident. However, he did say that he could still give more details later on. This could be a sign that an announcement regarding an investigation is imminent.
During that period, there were also reports of other strange objects flying in the sky. It’s believed that the creatures were the occupants of a flying saucer. There’s also a possibility that the incident was connected to the Chupacabra monster, which has been reported numerous times in South America.
The story of the Varginha incidents is largely attributed to Ufologist and UFO expert, Mr. Vitorio Pacaccini. He claims to have received firsthand accounts from various individuals.
I also created new TAG so you can find out more info about his Brazilian UFO & Alien incident at one place: Varginha UFO incident
Here’s a fresh new video and photo material of Varginha, Brazil extraterrestrial being including autopsy and search:
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Hmm, an albino monkey, someone poking around in a dead animal (with remarkably mammlian physiology) and some American Police officers looking at something that cannot be seen properly on the ground. This sort of thing detracts from any account of whatever hapened and is clearly FAKE!
thats just a photo of an albino monkey though eh?
Anyone can see that, that is an albino monkey!!! It’s NOT and alien!! What ajoke!!!