The NASA Connection

I just watched this amazing episode of Ancient Aliens titled The NASA connection. This episode includes some great theories about aliens, NASA, Wernher von Braun, freemasonry and ancient civilisations. I strongly recommend it.

This episode delves into various reports by former NASA scientists and astronauts, as well as classified government files that purportedly suggest the space agency had alien contact in both the recent and ancient past.

Your opinion?
  • Fake (0)
  • Real (0)
  • Not Alien (0)


  1. nasa is funded by whom,yes,the government,that by itself should say do not think that there are govt. agents behind the scenes telling them you do this and you do that or else.and that these agents are overseeing certain operations and much,much more.of course they are,wake up,i really can not believe it,people think that what the public sees is all there,and what,like

  2. Private industry now, because we gave it away, will reap the rewards of mining and galactic travel. Funny how the government just let "private parties" take over. 15 years ago a man was sold a box of papers, tests of von Braun, some were even in his hand. All about rockets and area 51. Contact was made but we were told and not ask. They can stop us at any time they want. They want

  3. We stopped going into space because there is nothing there and the military has all it needs for now, we can look down on any one we want and we have all the rockets and power we need all coming out of the space program which the military got the extra money they needed through the miss direction of going to the moon they (the Gov,) does not care about life (ET) because there is no proof there

  4. I respect your thoughts however you're making quite a few assumptions. How can anyone state what is going unless they're directly involved. All we can do is hypothesize upon past events. Question, has ET conveyed their plans to you? has the "Gov" explained their plans to you as well?…No, other than a few authors trying to summarize what they think is real, I however one must

  5. I believe Steven Greer and the Disclosure project stand for positive change,and defiantly worth investigation and support by all.

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