Latest UFO sightings – New video of fast UFO (fastwalker) flying across the sky over Denver, Colorado. This was recorded on Tuesday, 26th April 2011 at 1:50 am.
Witness report: This was recorded about 1:50 a.m. On the 26 April 2011 over Southeast Denver Colorado flying from the West to the Northeast Today has been a very good night, UFO’s flying overhead here in south Denver. It was also very dark as there was no Moon. I have no idea as to what these objects are. What I do is record and post, these are VERY REAL UFO clips of what I have recorded and not fake!! Deal with it on your own terms!!
The device that was used to record was made by Xenonics, Supervision a starlight amplifier that amplifies light and allows you to see a very dark sky, it’s like daylight, except you can see all stars. This was recorded by a Casio camera Exilim DSLR HD format. Please see the equipment on my channel there are two video clips on that..
Author (magnetflipper @ youtube)

What were we suppose to be looking at again? when you actually held the camera still for that brief moment, all i noticed was stars, DERR!
Pause the video at 1:01 you can clearly see the stars on top of the tree. Fake!
Is it possible that these are just bio-luminescent insects, i.e. fireflies? It's impossible to say how big these objects are or how high they are flying (although they are definitely above the treeline).
baker act!
i got same video………snow at night
they are not star on top of the tree, they are dust particle on the lens. They move with the camera and that's why the appear like star on the tree.