Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to [email protected] !
I was watching a commercial airline flying at around 20,000ft, very few clouds in sky and it was not leaving a contrail which was weird to me since all other were. I guy came up to me and asked me what I was looking at and I told him. He started looking at the plane as well, about 5 seconds later we saw a huge contrail appear several inches to the north of it and slowed down and then shot out of sight. I saw it plain as day and did not say anything at first. The guy watching with me looked over at me and said “Did you see that UFO?” I said yes, but thought I was seeing things…
Elmirage, Az – 10-25-2012If you follow the this past the lights you should be able to see to what look like two horned head beings. Please let me know what you think? This was taken 10252012 in Elmirage Az at about 1:00 AM
Spanish Fort, Al (Mobile Bay) – Oct. 25, 2012, 7:30 P.M.
The sky was crystal clear last night. For about 10 to 15 seconds I noticed a transparent, almost clear oblong object with green pulsating lights traveling west to east just above the tree line in my back yard. The lights were kind of outlining the sbape of the object. It appeared to have some sort of cloaking technology. In the middle of the object the lights were shaped like bars and they were pulsating in a figure eight shape or the infinity symbol. It looked like a floating dance of lights. It appeared above the trees briefly and in a few seconds floated benind the tree line never to be seen again.
Satellite Beach, FL – 10/25/12 11pm ish
Saw glowing light. wasn’t an airplane after I took pic it was gone just like that gone.
Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina – October 24 2012 9:00 PM
saw one bright light break into three or more bright lights on three diffrent occasions in diffrent areas of the sky while on Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina. the fact that it happened as it did give me reason to believe it wasnt flares. if you would like more dtailes email me. for some reason if i put a detailed version up it turnes into jiberish . this did happen i have only a video on my phone of one of the last lights seen vanishing. ialso have a witness that was with me thatt i had never known me before today
Houma, Lousiana – 10/24/12 about 11:20 Am
I was standing outside of the office and happen to look up at the sky for a moment I thought I was watching a flock of geese and some type of birds fly high about , on then did I realize it was to high for birds, then I looked closer and realized it was to high up for it to be a birds or a jet, I was able to see it with the naked eye. They were in a arrow formation, there were 3 formations. each formation had about 10 object in a perfect row, about 30 objects total, from what I could tell they were round metallic and easy to spot a. They were moving west, south west at a very fast speed and I could only observe them for about 20 to 30 sec. then they blended in with the blue sky. It was very strange indeed
St.John’s, Newfoundland – October 23rd, 2012 @ 6:30pm
My boyfriend and I always bring our husky up to the rugby fields every evening for a run. We have a pretty good view of part of the city and sky so I’m always stargazing. The evening of October 23rd had calm weather with clear skies and a few clouds. I was looking up to the sky and spotted a plane (small spec of light with noticeable blinking lights) soaring across the sky. On the right side of the plane, what I thought was a planet because it was distinguishably brighter than the other stars, was also moving. I concentrated on this ball of light, lined it with a tree below the horizon and noticed that it was slowly moving to the right (east direction). This ball of light was larger and much more brighter than the other stars or planes (almost like a headlight or floodlight), and did not have any blinking lights. The object did not ascend or descend, nor did it get smaller or larger in size, just slowly moved across the sky above the horizon for a minute and then it was like someone turned off a light and it was gone. It quickly faded out but I could see a small, faint red spot and than nothing.
I grew up in Gander, Newfoundland which is based around an airport, so I’ve seen many airplanes and helicopters in the day and night skies. These objects have distinguishable lights and sounds. St.John’s also has an airport and I go to that field every night and have spotted airplanes in the sky at night(again with those distinguishable blinking lights and sounds), but have never seen a light that bright, that large, and move across the sky like that before.
It was very fascinating to see!!
(Unfortunately I did not capture any footage, I only had my blackberry on me and also did not want to take my eyes off of it)
I did not get it on vido it was small from the point of viwe I was looking at but it look like it had over 100 windos.I was freaking out.
Strasburg – 13.30 22 Oct
Just taking snaps at St olienes monastery and when we returned downloaded the photos this was on one shot clearly and two shots later (seconds) disappearing over the hills. I did not see it or hear any sound, nor did my wife
‘Fireballs’ seen over the night sky around 10 pm. Moving very slow & very high in sky. Definately not aircaraft as they were not over the usual flight path.There were 4 of them, no noise at all, no flickering lights like on ‘normal’ aircraft. They were bright/luminous orange, flair-like & sphericle.I’m writing this as this is the second time in a year this has been seen over our town,Edenvale, Johannesburg, South Africa. These were just too odd to be any aircraft or any natural phenomenon. These had intelligence guiding them.
The strange thing is that recently we experienced a very freakish hailstorm with hail the size of tennis balls & some as big as giant oranges. Very rare & unusual for our climate & weather…
My brother and I saw the same thing in the early hours of new years day 01.01.12(and no! We weren’t drunk from celebrating!) We watched these ‘orange fireballs’ , 3 at that time, for around two hours, from around 8 pm the day before until 3 am new years day, move along the sky from one end of our city to the other.
Clouds were building up, not too thick, just enough to see the stars through the clouds in the night sky, one of these ‘orange fireballs’ went over a cloud and well,my brother & I were in an absolutely state of disbelief and utter awe, but at the same time, my heart skipped a beat…the shape was tri-angular but at the same time saucer like.My brother said;holy sh!t, did you see that!? What the f!!! is this??’
Many people around our town said they saw these ‘flares’/’fireballs’ in the sky that night.
And that’s why I decided to check out UFO sightings on the net and to report this. Anyone else experienced anything similar?
Tyson’s Corner, VA – Oct. 21, 2012 10:30 PM
A bright round light came from the West, in a straight line heading towards the East. There was no sound, no flashing lights, it was moving quite fast, much faster than a plane. It appeared to be self illuminating and could have been at least 5,000 ft. high. Do to it’s speed I was only able to watch it for 2 to 3 minutes before it was gone.
Being 63 and living here at Tyson’s for 27 years I am used to plane’s of all sizes, and helicopters going over, this, was nothing I had ever seen before. I am outside a lot and now will only go out with a video in hand.
8 the place corporation street stoke on Trent, UK – 0220 20/10/2012
Woke up heard a rumbling noise opened the window to have a cigarette was on the second puff then a rumbling a dark mass passed over my house it was massive at least the size of a soccer pitch I froze hynotised not scared it passed my house and continued to the west no lights just a rumbling electric sound next thing I knew my fingers were burning because the cigarette had burned down to my fingers it went out of site over a hill about 300 metres about 2 minutes later a helicopter flew over the house in the same direction then another helicopter 15 minutes later and both helicopters came back from the west one had a spotlight and did a full circle over the area the other continued east the first helicopter then went east,5 minutes later 5 or six police cars with just lights went by on the road and continued off then total quiet I wasn’t scared just transfixed I have a dslr camera but only thought about it after the event which totalled about 15 minutes there has been strange activity in the area for the past six months helicopters would just appear in the area and hover for no apparent reason.anyway that’s all up until now,other locals have witnessed strange events in the neighbourhood and it has become a bit of a joke as every time a helicopter is in the area people say its after the the dark objects.
Middletown, Ohio – approx.0030 hrs 10-20-12
8 orange lights perfectly spaced flying west to east. Observed these light from the 10:00 position to 2:00 position passing directly overhead at a high rate of speed. I was watching for meteors while at work. As a side note I did see meteors but all of them traveled, what seemed to me, south to north. Could it have been a meteor breaking up as it entered the atmosphere?
Benevento, Italy – On 12 May 2012

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