Jim Marrs continued his presentation REMOTE VIEWING ALIENS at the 2016 Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas! Remote Viewing, a psychic technique developed and utilized by the U.S. Army, may have been instrumental in ending the Cold War. This practice has since been used to take a look at the different extraterrestrial species interacting with the people of Earth.

Good night from Barcelona / Spain,
Now it is 10:15 p.m., spanish time. At exactly from 9:15 to 9:30 p.m.
I was with some friends having a beer in the terrace of my home and suddetly
we where all amazed. Not too high in the sky one in back of another we where able to see first one red Ufo followed by 12 orange colour Ufos one in back of the other direction North. Have you any idea of the kind. They were round souces.
Thanks, Francesc
I have been a believer in UFOs and life elsewhere in the universe since teenage,even though I never had a sighting or anything close untill last may 14..in south goa..around sunset, I was swimming in the sea,floating on my back I scanned the sky as this orb with the setting sun reflecting on it appears on the horizon from east..shining like polished silver..moving slowly at a height of I think 2000 ft.close enough..silent and steady..upon reaching the coastline it curved proceeding towards the south.!!!..also 100 km to the south there is nuclear powerplant..any connection?