Fast cigar UFO over Virginia Beach, 2021

This UFO was caught on tape with GoPro Hero 8 Black 4K Nightlapse on 31st January 2021 at 0:35 am over Virginia Beach.

What do you think it is?

Your opinion?
  • Real (29)
  • Not Alien (11)
  • Fake (4)


  1. Well, that’s no weather balloon, no plane and no meteor. Id like to see a freeze frame and zoom in to see If it is a solid metal machine of some sort.

  2. I personally own the hero black and this is a 2-5 second time lapse photo of a jet or plane. The navigation lights are shown in rhythm.

  3. Looks like a low flying Fast Walker. Whatever they are! It also reminds me of the shapes that were photographed several years ago along with orbs but they were much smaller. Does anyone else remember those ?

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