The worlds most famous UFOlogist, who happens to hail from the United Kingdom has openly said that planet earth is not ready to tackle an alien invasion, if it may happen in the future. His statement was preceded by a dramatic increase in the UFO sightings across the United Kingdom. The aliens seem to be aware of the power that the kingdom of England governs, it being the most powerful empires of the Modern Era. The increase in the UFO sightings above the skies of England and neighbouring nations may be an attempt by the alien over lords to run a quick background check on the enemy that stands against them. Almost all sightings report a differently shaped UFO. The different shapes of the UFOs may indicate that aliens belonging to different departments of their own defence agencies are participating in their expedition to conduct a dip stick survey of the military prowess of United Kingdom, so that they are well versed with every tactic and be fully prepared when they try to besiege the kingdom.

Fast moving UFO over Liverpool
This UFO video was taken yesterday (Saturday 15-nov 2009) around 3am in Liverpool, UK.