UFO videos – This night time footage of unknown lights flying over Dreux in France was recorded on 31st July 2012.
Witness statement (direct translate from French): 2 light strange turn around … UFOs???
The phenomenon lasted well 45min. Just before a helicopter of the army was increased to 2-3 taken over our homes not flying high … 1 point fixed light was in the sky for a while intensely bright and the night is strongly installed, a second then a third point of light appear to turn from his time spent around 4-5 helico distances and heights more or less diffentes. It is clear that the movements are anormals one point revolves around another 3 to form a diagonal line … at the end of it off 1-1
The phenomenon lasted well 45min. Just before a helicopter of the army was increased to 2-3 taken over our homes not flying high … 1 point fixed light was in the sky for a while intensely bright and the night is strongly installed, a second then a third point of light appear to turn from his time spent around 4-5 helico distances and heights more or less diffentes. It is clear that the movements are anormals one point revolves around another 3 to form a diagonal line … at the end of it off 1-1
Author (fmx28i @ youtube)

the real deal DREUX FRANCE good video 2 ufos