Here’s one new footage of an unidentified flying object flying over Boca Raton in Florida. This was taken on 4th July 2016.
Witness report: Observed grey-black circular object hovering while dark cube flew straight up right past it
I was standing on sidewalk July 4th, 2016 at 2:34 pm in front of Boca Dunes clubhouse when I observed a grayish black round object hovering high in the sky. It was hovering to the West and moved to South-Southwest. A second object which appeared to be a dark cube (surrounded by dark cloud) flew almost straight up right past it incredibly fast (6 seconds into video). The round object continued to move to the Southwest until I lost sight of it. I had observed the round object for approximately 1 minute. I attached the video, 3 screen shots of the cube flying up past the round object, and a zoomed in screenshot of both both objects.Author (source: MUFON)

Looks and acts like a bird in flight
Such poor resolution and camera shake I couldn’t tell what it was.
Jeez! A balloon and an insect. This site is getting worse and worse.