These strange lights were filmed over Louisiana on 5th January 2020.
Here’s the witness statement from the first footage in the video: At approximately 6:05 pm on Sunday January 5, 2020, i stepped out back door to smoke a cigarette while watching the nfc wildcard game of Seattle vs eagles football. the second i stepped out, almost directly above me were multiple flashing lights. 5 to 7 or more. no sound whatsoever no definition other than an orb shape while it flashed. when there was no flash.. there was no object. the flash of white light occurred to the left and the right of the orb. nothing above or below. they appeared to moving in a west to south west direction. i immediately ran back in the house to grab my wife and told that she needs to come outside now. without grabbing my phone, i ran back outside to witness until she arrived. they moved very fast… but slow…. if that makes sense. i ran and grabbed my phone and proceeded to move west up the street to get a video of what i could… and the video is what physical evidence i have.

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