Flashing UFOs over east coast of Canada – Nova Scotia | January 2022

Flashing lights over Nova Scotia, Canada. Filmed earlier this month.

Witness report: Dad and I saw these lights flashing back and forth today (enjoy the live commentary). We didn’t notice the other flashing light to the right until watching this video. They continued to flash rapidly until eventually blinking at the same time and fading out to the left. When I slowed the video down I noticed a pattern from left to right – red, white, white, red,… Checked flight radar – no helicopters and only one plane around. I live in a pretty rural area with not a lot of air traffic.

Your opinion?
  • Real (12)
  • Not Alien (8)
  • Fake (1)


  1. Harley, you should have gone to spec savers !
    To you guys in Nova Scotia, great little catch, and well spotted, also the natural reactions of the two of you.
    The reason I noticed this one, I have a video at night last year,
    Of exactly the same lights over Newcastle in the NE UK.
    Will upload as I th

  2. Drones are the only thing I can think of that might look like this but…man I don’t know. This is a rather odd one and indeed a nice catch!

    Would really like to see your video as well Steve! 🙂

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