Latest UFO sighting – Unknown bright objects over Murrysville, Pennsylvania on 23th January 2010.
Recent UFO sightings. New video footage. ovni avvistamento. ozn. nlo. nlp
“The second one hovered in same place for over 4 minutes silently before moving away (add time for screwing on NV in the dark) , only 4-500 feet away from us in someone’s back yard. We saw it with our bare eyes do the brightening/flickering so has nothing to do with goddamn lenses.
Another Murrysville resident contacted me after first seeing one of these drop from a cloud, hover, then rise back up. Searching online, he found my videos & contacted me–offering to help me hunt for them. First night out turned out to be better than I’d hoped. While he had seen both forms (orb and suspected “fake planes” or UFOs that mimic our aircraft just like the famous Pine Bush, NY ones), he had not yet seen the transformation up close and personal”
Author (MOREseeingUFOsPA @ youtube)
2012 is comming!!

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