Latest UFO sightings – Strange UFO activity in the sky over the region of Salt Lake City in Utah on Thursday, 12th August 2010 around 9:30pm.
Witness report: While looking for the Perseid meteors, my family and I have witnessed a very strange phenomenon in the region of Salt Lake City, UT. It started around 9:30pm on August 12th, with several light dots that looked like bright stars appearing on the NE (about where the Cassiopeia constellation was at this time). We quickly realized they were moving in a group, indepently from each other but in the same global direction, and were quite larger than stars, a bit hazy and white-blue. Some were sometimes blinking, and we counted about 35 of them. We took our binoculars and even a small telescope, and saw them as hazy bluish disks or spheres. They were moving over the Wasatch montain range, direction south, and we saw them for about 10 minutes, until about 9:40pm. I had a camera out to catch some shooting stars, and took the attached pictures. They are 15 s exposures, and clearly show the movements of these luminous objects.
Author: Stéphane M.

that night was rain of perseid metrorits …it could be meteroits
I see these all the time in early August for a decade now (from Orem). Initial theory was small Perseid meteors breaking up into dusty swarms because of origination in the north sky (Perseid’s radial) generally south(ish) bound and the timing (only see them in early Aug). I note that many seem very high slow moving and some seems closer and fast moving (covering half the visible sky in 8 to 16 seconds). Migrating birds fly 15 to 20 mph only go faster to escape predation. These objects seem much faster although the general line and v formations seen do looks like flock formations. Also it is unusual for most birds to migrate at night and those that do, typically do not do so in flocks, from an admittedly cursory amount of research. Bats fly slower than birds too and not to great heights – so they are doubtful. Especially when you consider that the chaos of a bat swarm doesn’t match the patterns we are seeing. The altitude of this phenomenon is hard to gauge – I’m working on this. I have not seen any news from the SLC or Provo airports warning about increased bird activity either. Lights from the Valley floor may lend credence to the bird theory. Not sure why we wouldn’t see this often in the spring and the fall. August 2 and 3rd there was nothing in the night sky like this. August 8th the sky was alight with them. Whatever they are – they are beautiful!
see this recent vid from weber…