Witness report: 3 bright amber lights moving slowly from south to north
While traveling south on Garry Oaks Drive in Citrus Heights at 8:30PM, I spotted 3 very bright lights in the sky ahead of me. The lights were amber/orange in color. I watched for a moment and then pulled over to get a better look. The lights were traveling from south to north and passed just off my left side. I was parked at approximately: N38 42.558 W121 15.720.
When I first spotted the lights, they were at an approximate heading of 170 degrees from my location at an elevation of approximately 25-30 degrees above the horizon. They were 3 independent lights and were traveling together, though not in a fixed formation. I estimate the visual magnitude of the lights to be at least -4 or brighter. Their brightness varied and they seemed to occasionally change heading, but maintained a consistent south-to north track across the sky. During observation, they changed positions relative to each other. They sky was clear and I could see the star field between and behind the lights. I estimate the altitude of the objects to be between 500-1000 feet AGL. I was able to capture video of the object movement on my mobile phone.
Based on the speed and movement of the objects, I believe they were some sort of aircraft, but they did not move like a typical helicopter or fixed-wing aircraft. Their behavior was more like an ultralight. I could not see any wingtip navigation (red/green) lights. I could occasionally glimpse some structure to one of the objects, but not clearly enough to identify it.
When the lights were directly across from me (east of my location), their elevation was approximately 40-45 degrees above the horizon. They continued on a northerly track, roughly in the direction of the city of Rocklin. I left the area when the objects were low to the horizon to the north, just above rooftop level from my view. Total observation time was probably 5-10 minutes.
Author (source: mufon)

for the triangle UFO sighted in california on 22 feb, where is the person took the video, just wondering
I saw one of these at about 6:05 pm 2/22/11 in the Brentwood/Oakley area. It was evening, but not dark. There was just one bright light moving slowly about the same altitude you described, maybe closer to 500 ft though. It drifted off soundless in your direction. <br />So glad to see someone else say it too. Thanks for posting.
i saw the same rotating, free flying set of lights in Sacramento, Ca.<br />once they flew into triangle position they did not break ranks for at least 15 minutes, ever move they made was like a syncronized show. they were low to the ground, 500ft. and seemed an equal huge distance apart from each other, but it was beautiful to see…like seeing a whole rainbow, from end to end in one spot. it
there was two sets of these formations, one was heading south west toward or over the ocean, the other was moving north west from the san diego area. I was in the long beach area, and one flew directly over my house, I witnessed it, my mother and my wife also, it was around 1015 or so. Strangely the one that flew over us floated down like an amber from a fire, then took a shape as it flew over,
I saw this exact same thing(s) December 31, 2010 @ 20:30. I was driving South bound on HWY-65 @ Pleasant Grove Blvd. and noticed them off in the distance. They appeared well South beyond Roseville and Granite Bay and headed in my direction. By the time I reached Galleria Blvd. they were overhead. I got a good look at them as they were only at or near 1000ft. I rolled the window down but could not
Whoa. Yeah, I Passed three or four groups of these driving south down the CA peninsula between San Mateo and Redwood City. All groups were in a fixed right-angle shape like this .:<br /><br />That same drive, I also saw something with two very bright lights and a blinking red light pass pretty close over the freeway a quarter mile ahead. Way to slow to be an airplane, but not the right shape for