UFO sightings – New videos of unidentified flying objects over Cleveland Heights and Shaker in Ohio. Recorded on 18th and 21st November 2011.
Witness report: Here is 3 videos you may find interesting. I see these “crafts” like 3-4 days out of the week, alot of people think these are ariplanes but do you know of any airplane that has the capability of HOVERING? I sure don’t.
Author: Dustin
source: submitted to www.Latest-UFO-Sightings.net

Very frustrating lack of shooting skills.<br /><br />NEXT TIME, try moving your camera more SLOWLY.<br /><br />And HOLD STILL on the object long enough so we can get a GOOD LOOK.
This shows nothing.
(Cleveland Heights )Some of the ones with blinking red lights at the end look like possible helicopters. Is there a military base close by, or a governmental compound of some kind. The ones with the rows of white lights definitely look odd.<br />We have had some sightings her in Missouri that are rows of white lights, but we also had three objects in one night with the red light blinking on the
just planes
That's amazing!.. it's wonderful! 🙂
These are what as commonly known as AIRPLANES!!!
I believe these look like helicopters or some sort of military vehicles.
Its a airplane and a helicopter
If these are planes or choppers, i have never seen them make these kind of movements! These just zipping all over the sky! Could be some new kind of craft. But personally, i reckon there not from this planet, to many sightings just like this one.
Helicopters was my thought, maybe military, news or police. Do you live in a high crime part of town? Reminds me of la oakland<br /><br />Maybe planes on approach to land?
It looks to be airplanes. As far as the hovering goes, the Marine Corps Harrier jets can hover. But I doubt these would be Harriers because there are very few and they don't wander to far away from Yuma and a few other Marine Corp Air Stations to often. So we are left with Ospreys or F-22. I've seen F-22s at air shows, it was almost at a dead stop for quite some time. If you think a plane
OMG, the comments are ridiculous. Ospreys? Are you serious? They make tremendous noise! An FAA radar report easily obtained with online request form is only way to disprove these as man made. See Youtube video "UFO Display, Melbourne" for best example of this same type hovering SILENT craft close. Flat video cannot convey convincingly to those who haven't yet witnessed these in
C'mon people get real!!! they are just airplanes in a holding pattern for landing at Cleveland Hopkins airport. As a matter of fact you can hear the airplanes passing by. One of the other ones is a helicopter. It is clearly evident by the blinking FAA light designated to locate the airplane or helicopter. – If you are not bright enough to figure that one out then a laser pointer can be
Okay someone commented that my reasoning that they could be Ospreys or another type of plane was wrong because of the noise they make, must have missed the fact that the camera was zoomed in on the objects. This means whatever they are were not close. BTW.. I'm not a skeptic either. I do believe that something is happening and has been happening throughout man's history. If we think we