Potential Danger of UFO Encounters with Airlines

U.S. News & World Report is discussing on the possible threat of UFOs in a special edition of “Mysteries of Space” magazine that is already available for readers.

There are thousands of reports related to UFOs every year. According to the magazine, 95% of those reports were verified as ordinary things such as military aircraft, astronomical objects, meteorological phenomena or even balloons. This means that 5% of those reports can’t be attributed to ordinary things. With so many reports, 5% is not a small number.

The magazine is exploring the potential threat of UFOs with private and commercial airlines. According to former UFO skeptic and NASA research scientist Richard Haines as he was interviewed by The Huffington Post, their objectives are intended to give safety to the flying public, and they are convinced that UFOs pose a threat to private and commercial airplanes.

Haines presently serves as the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena. The organization openly welcomes reports related to UFOs from pilots, air traffic controllers and crews.

Haines recounted one report where an airplane was on autopilot when suddenly a UFO came alongside and approached the airplane. The UFO was reportedly paced the airplane and even did maneuvers around it and flew away. He added that this kind of situation is very serious considering an intelligent being was behind the phenomenon choosing the airplane as a focus of attention or interest.

Another thing that concerns Haines on UFOs is when the phenomenon is observed by flight crew up front and they put too much attention on it making them vulnerable to pilot errors.

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