Here’s one really interesting footage of a possible TR-3B craft flying over the highway in Huron, California. This happened on Saturday, 7th May 2016.
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Witness report: This was recorded from my dash cam on May 7th 2016 about 3:00hrs. On I-5 around the 325 mile mark, heading south. I was traveling with three other trucks who also saw this craft.
I first saw a light sweep the sky on the right side of this video frame. One swept across the sky and a second one occurred a few seconds later. After the second light the first thing I thought was someone was shinning deer.
A couple more second passed and we saw bright white lights on what I thought was a plane moving from right to left out in the distance going across the highway. Maybe 2miles out in front of us, very low to the ground.
It crossed the interstate and climbed in attitude and started to circle heading east and than north, and than south returned to roughly the same place it crossed the interstate and crossed back going west, and than the object and lights disappeared. I kept watching out my passenger window to see if I could spot the lights, but I saw nothing. I turned back to watch the road ahead and talking on the CB with the other driver about the strange way that was flying. There was something odd about the way it maneuvered. I notice lights reflecting in my passenger window and thought it was from the oncoming traffic, and I glanced over to see what it was and saw this craft coming straight at me.
I thought it was going to crash into me at that point. It had three very bright white lights. Like large round spotlights across the font edge of the vehicle. When I say edge thats all I could make out as it didn’t look to have body or hight to it. As it approached It slowed and turned and banked almost in place at the same time, and came up over my truck. It made no sound, it had no wings, no marking lights, no fuselage, no tail, no Plane, no drone, no helicopter.
We were traveling about 60 to 63 mph and as you see it was moving just a bit faster than we were going. It may have bee about 50 ft. above us.Author (source: MUFON)

A craft of the same appearance came over my house about 4 years ago. It was very very low and slow, and was making a very loud rumbling sound.I was in no doubt it was a UFO. Curiously it was coming from the direction of Sutton Park (the largest public park in Europe) and many people in this district have had curious sightings over this park, the vast majority are not reported for fear of ridicule.
I cannot see the video even as it’s playing. It’s blacked out for some reason.
I just came to this site to see if anyone reported anything last night. I saw the EXACT same thing last night in almost the EXACT same area. I was heading down the 5 just on the outskirts of fresno, and at first I thought I was really tired and the lights were playing tricks on me. I saw that same thing, but it was off the right side of the road when I was heading south…..there were a few Mack trucks driving around so I didn’t really get to get a great look because I kept looking back to see it, but would have to look forward as to not plow into the car in front of me. At first I thought it was a GIANT drone — and then obviously figured — oh well it must be some sort of military aircraft or something….but that thing in the video….is what I saw.
I live in lancaster ca I keep seeing things in the sky every 2-3 days I see crafts glitching in the sky so for sure it’s not a plane .. Edward’s air forace base is near but it doesn’t look like any of their aircrafts and the glitchingredients left right up down. Etc what Flies like that no plane helicopter I know