Strange triangular sighting recorded in Porstmouth, New Hampshire on 10th December 2009, around 9:30 am. This is probably a fake, check out the comments!
“While looking at the reporters photo of a news story on Seacoastonline, I noticed a strange shape in the photo. Directly above the fire truck in the attached photo, is a triangular shape. There is no such shaped object in the area where this photo was taken. I am not the taker of the photo, either, merely curious at what it could be. I have sent an e-mail to the newspaper this morning inquiring as to whether or not this photo was photo-shopped prior to publishing. I have not had a response as of yet. My first thought was that the photo was a screen capture of an on-line paused video (where a triangle shows in the middle of the screen). When I zoomed in on the photo, it does appear that the right most point of the triangle is behind the building.
seacoastonline – A potentially deadly situation was averted Thursday morning after a trash compactor struck a telephone pole, causing electrical wires to fall on top of the truck that was leaking fuel with the driver trapped inside.
The accident occurred at approximately 9:15 a.m. on Commerce Way, not far from Hesser College. Police and fire personnel arrived to find a Waste Management truck on its side with three-quarters of a snapped telephone pole resting on top of it. The driver was conscious and standing through the open passenger-side window.
The volatile situation was calmed approximately 20 minutes later when rescue personnel determined the truck was not charged, placed a metal ladder against it and successfully removed the driver.
It was unclear what caused the vehicle to strike the poll.
The driver initially refused treatment, but eventually went to Portsmouth Regional Hospital with what are believed to be minor injuries.
seacoastonline – A potentially deadly situation was averted Thursday morning after a trash compactor struck a telephone pole, causing electrical wires to fall on top of the truck that was leaking fuel with the driver trapped inside.
The accident occurred at approximately 9:15 a.m. on Commerce Way, not far from Hesser College. Police and fire personnel arrived to find a Waste Management truck on its side with three-quarters of a snapped telephone pole resting on top of it. The driver was conscious and standing through the open passenger-side window.
The volatile situation was calmed approximately 20 minutes later when rescue personnel determined the truck was not charged, placed a metal ladder against it and successfully removed the driver.
It was unclear what caused the vehicle to strike the poll.
The driver initially refused treatment, but eventually went to Portsmouth Regional Hospital with what are believed to be minor injuries.
Assistant Fire Chief Steve Achilles said they were fortunate to a have a firefighter who is also a city electrical inspector, who helped determine the driver could be removed safely.
“Initially you have a victim entrapped with a live wire and a fuel spill, so you always worry about him getting injured further or electrocuted, or if there’s a spark that ignites a flammable hydraulic fluid or the diesel tank,” said Achilles. “The biggest thing right now is the serious environmental impact it might have.”
The accident occurred 10 feet from a large marsh area beside Market Basket Plaza on Woodbury Avenue. Approximately 50 gallons of hydraulic fluid was leaking, according to Achilles, though the diesel tank remained in tact. Fire personnel used booms to try to keep the fluid from spreading into the wetland.
Achilles said a representative from the state Department of Environmental Services was heading to the scene to assess the damage.
“It looks like we’ll be here for a while,” said Achilles, at approximately 9:45 a.m.
At 10:30 crews were awaiting response from FairPoint Communications, which owns the pole.”
“Initially you have a victim entrapped with a live wire and a fuel spill, so you always worry about him getting injured further or electrocuted, or if there’s a spark that ignites a flammable hydraulic fluid or the diesel tank,” said Achilles. “The biggest thing right now is the serious environmental impact it might have.”
The accident occurred 10 feet from a large marsh area beside Market Basket Plaza on Woodbury Avenue. Approximately 50 gallons of hydraulic fluid was leaking, according to Achilles, though the diesel tank remained in tact. Fire personnel used booms to try to keep the fluid from spreading into the wetland.
Achilles said a representative from the state Department of Environmental Services was heading to the scene to assess the damage.
“It looks like we’ll be here for a while,” said Achilles, at approximately 9:45 a.m.
At 10:30 crews were awaiting response from FairPoint Communications, which owns the pole.”
MUFON witness report

Sorry, but not a UFO. First of all, this is Portsmouth, New Hampshire, not UK…the accident occured adjacent to 135 Commerce Way, Portsmouth, NH. The triangular shape you see is a large industrial structure with a pointed roof, seen at an angle, at the top of a hill. The face of the structure is in shade because of its orientation towards the NW, but there is a white barrier fence in front of it
Thanks for correction, I appreciate it!
If not what this 'first' Anonymous has said, which I totally agree by the way, then it's some ridiculous strategy orchestrated by the illuminati in order to inflict fear and panic in the society, that's why this video is made next to a car accident, so that people will associate with the ET's,and, you know, they want us to think Extraterrestrials are our enemies and they will
Not a fake. Just someone with an imagination and too much time on their hands. It's a wood chip holding facility for P.S.N.H. (Public Service of New Hampshire) that dominates the landscape.
Easily verified by going to google maps. just type in "commerce way, portsmouth, nh" Use the street view feature. Going Northeast on Commerce, just before the 90 degree turn to the right you can clearly see the "flying triangle". It's the gable end of a roof on a warehouse.
with all my experence with ufo sightings… this one is by far the most fake hoax ive ever saw.<br />FAKE