They are now confirmed to be oil well gas flames. The AN/APS 143 Radar video is unavailable and the targets detected could be vehicles on the Yucatan’s peninsula highways as it is explained ahead.
Mexican Air Force specialists were incapable to discover that the FLIR lights source was the Cantarell oil well flames that burn off on daily basis in the Gulf of México. This link was submitted to our site allegedly by Capt. Alejandro Franz so please, read full report about this case with a lot of evidences at this link
You can read more about this incident on our site: Famous UFO Cases: 2004 Mexican UFO incident – link

This conclusion is nothing but an insult towards the public and to the pilots themselves.I can't believe how people can be so stupid and close minded to think that at thousands of feet from the ground these professional pilots were going to confuse UFO's with some gas flames? Making us believe such idiocy when scientist have been telling us of the vastness of space for decades, just to
Comments on the UFO scene?
For anyone who still thinks actual UFOs may have been recorded, here is very clear proof the sightings were in fact gas flares:<br /><br /><br /><br />Compare the 2 pictures near the top, noticing the distinct reflection patterns.<br /><br />The footage did have me wondering for a few minutes though!