Latest UFO sightings – Unknown UFOs or Orbs were recorded hovering in the night sky over Rouen, the historic capital city of Normandy, in northern France on the River Seine, and currently the capital of the Haute-Normandie (Upper Normandy). This video was taken on Wednesday, 8th September 2010 at 10 pm.
Witness report (direct translate from french with Google translate): 76000 Rouen observing UFOs filmed with a lumix TZ7
after having consulted (4 people) we saw five of these balls of light orange / white parades, then a formation of 3, or when we trigger the sail, then all alone at the end of file, all that distance aircraft, but a priori higher speed and without sound, it crossed the sky in a straight line and the light were more intense than the leaves appear the video, was not lights projected above the ground but many objects.
Author (ogzabunsnounesophie @ youtube)
Just for the info, this UFO photo was taken at the same place (Rouen in northern France) in 1954.

I can say that the quality of this is quite high. I have seen the exact same thing on multiple nights recently in northern California and have had great difficulty attempting to capture the object on film or video with any detail that would be convincing to anyone other than diehard Ufology interested people. I am impressed but I have to say from across the world that I saw the EXACT same thing