February 12, 2011 – MSNBC; Unexplained Mysteries – New interview with Travis Walton, an American logger who claims to have been abducted by aliens in November 1975, while working in the Apache-Sitgreaves national Forest in Arizona. He could not be found, but he reappeared after five days of intensive search.
In this interview he returned to the place, where he has been abducted and he and his crew are still sticking to the original story – which was also confirmed by polygraph.
There is also a movie about this alien abduction case, called Fire in the Sky, recorded in 1993 (link below).
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The guys account of what happened is much more exciting than the movie.<br />I believe him.
Anyone who believes the Walton case should read his book, which is transparently full of inconsistencies and unconvincing speculations. Much of the book is pure speculation on Walton's part, such as his verbatim account of what his friends were saying about him and his "disappearance" while he was presumably aboard the UFO, things he couldn't possibly be aware of, given where
I agree some parts of his story of how he found himself in Arizona are inconsistent from watching his videos one video says he woke up on his back one says he woke up face down. yet still there are witness still the fact remains why? why would he do this ? money? was this guy ever checked out by the hospital if so what are the results at the time ? seems to me the Roswell aircraft was hidden
Woo! A hot news reporter who didn't completely mock the phenomena.