UFOs in the sky above Norfolk in Cambridgeshire, UK – August 2011

Latest UFO sightings – This UFO activity was recorded above Norfolk in Cambridgeshire, UK in late August 2011.
Witness report: We have a house in Norolk, The Fens, Cambridgeshire in the countryside. There are about 15 houses in a 2 mile radius. The land is private and we were on our way back from fishing in the car. we see many lights there but not like this.

This Happened twice about 3 minutes after each other. The first time we only captured half of it but the whole thing happend twice exactally the same each time. At the end i put it in slow motion. It flashes really bright and something jumps off of it

It is not a power surge on pylons cos the only pylons there were about a quarter of a mile behind us.
It is not skydivers with flares because they won’t be able to land in the farmers fields and crops.
Definitely not a plane or a helicopter because they were moving at immence speeds and the wasn’t any sound and there wasnt flashing lights
Author (oLeGeNdZzv @ youtube)

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1 Comment

  1. Hi, read your sighting of UFO – this is what happened to us – my husband and i had just put our daughter to bed and i was sitting in the living room when i turned and looked out of the window and saw lights coming towards the house above tree tops. There was many of them, one after the other, very bright in the sky, i shouted to my husband to come and have a look, he said let's go out in the

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