UFO or orb hovering over Tijuana in Mexico 10-Apr-2013

Latest UFO sightings – New footage of a bright unidentified flying object or some kind of a sphere hovering in the sky above Tijuana in Mexico. This video was recorded on Wednesday, 10th April 2013.

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  1. Has any one heard of any theories as to what could be causing the people to not react?<br />The rules from above state clearly: &quot;Thou shalt not kill.&quot; How much longer do we dare ignore the rules? When will we stop the war and make the peace? <br />

  2. So many UFO videos have dogs barking in the background. I have seen and heard birds reacting to UFO&#39;s, in most cases that has been what has drawn my attention to the UFO as I&#39;m a keen birdwatcher. Has anyone heard of any theories as to what could be causing the animals to react?

    • Check out Dr Rupert Sheldrake PhD – he has ALL the answers on that score, and has written entire books on the theme.

    • Possibly sound frequencies…altho humans may not hear any sound emissions from the UFO&#39;s it doesn&#39;t necessarily mean they are silent. One example, is that birds have the same 5 senses as humans but they hear a smaller frequency range than humans…they can also see 2-3 times better than humans. But then, dogs hear a higher frequency range than humans. Perhaps these ufo&#39;s are

  3. I have read and heard the opposite. That often there is an unnatural silence. No birds or no dogs barking.A friend of mine had a close encounter with a UFO (in daylight) while outwalking hsi dog. The dog did not bark just cowered on the ground and shook.<br />So who knows?

  4. that could be anything from paranormal sensing to something auditory. perhaps they are being &quot;spoken to&quot; in only a way they can understand. if you&#39;ve seen birds reacting to a ufo this means you&#39;ve seen a ufo? how did the birds react? or it could be just a huge coincidence that there happened to be barking dogs in many ufo videos.

    • Twice I noticed UFO&#39;s when flocks of birds were flying away from the objects and making a lot of noise so basically they seemed frightened.

  5. animals are known to have a sense of danger awareness. they can sense when something is wrong in the air. and i&#39;m not saying just to their ground enemies. cows have been known to kneel before an earthquake is about to happen. it is said dogs yelp when an ambulance has a patient that is on the verge of dying. notice they really don&#39;t bark with police sirens. i guess it is a sixth sense to

  6. The reason is that the animals in turn animals perceive. What does this<br />UFOs in the sky, no special are the souls of animals and humans.<br />It would make sense to deal again with the Mayan cult. There you will find<br />the answer.

  7. id a ufo experience many years ago with an ex partner when we were going through our experience we were aware of no people or cars everything was silent i read in a book by ufologist jenny randles its called the oz effect it was late at night but there should have been people around ? the object came out the night sky at amazing speed glowing yellowish in colour as it was nearig us we took to our

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