The staff at a new UFO museum spooked top FBI agents after allegedly discovering a secret memo establishing aliens exist. The unfolding of the Hakui Centre for UFO Research in Japan brought some concerns to federal officials after museum workers found a document suggesting the FBI obtained three metallic saucer objects.
According to the memo, each object has three-foot tall occupiers. The US government reportedly kept files around the museum, creating craze of conspiracy theories.
According to the reports circulated online, the alleged flying saucers had been found in New Mexico. These things were described as being 50 feet in diameter with raised centers. Each one has three human-shaped bodies, but shorter at 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth.
The memo reportedly blackened the name of Mr informant who said that the Government set up very high-powered radar in New Mexico where the saucers were found. It is believed that the mechanism of the saucers went crazy after the radar affected the saucers’ controlling mechanism.

This is really, really old news. The memo about the 3 saucers has been published in countless ufo books over the years and really isn’t proof of anything. It only relates the report made to the FBI by an informant, who probably made the whole thing up after reading the Frank Scully book about Aztec.
Beware the center Hakui never find any documents !
The staff at a new UFO museum spooked top FBI agents after allegedly discovering a secret memo establishing aliens exist. The unfolding of the Hakui Centre for UFO Research in Japan brought some concerns to federal officials after museum workers found a document suggesting the FBI obtained three metallic saucer objects.
really ? see this:
As much as the U.S. government would like everyone to believe whatever they spew, facts iz facts. Beings who communicate telepathically will never be duped by men, whose ulterior motives are fattening their wallets and stealing everything not nailed down. So, while advances in science have allowed the human race to escape the bounds of Earth, we will never be told how to move at light speed, become invisible or a host of questions that, if answered, could lead to another “giant leap for mankind.” ET gave us the info that could allow for our self extinction & sure enough men took that info & have used it to kill.
Mark, if aliens exist, which I firmly believe they do, they would have to be able to travel much faster than the speed of light, our nearest neighbor, Alpha Centauri is 4 1/2 light years away, and these beings, wherever they’re from are certainly farther than that from the Earth. This means they have to be able to travel much faster than the speed of light.
I wonder if this web site has new ownership? The subject matter has little vetting, sometimes being a rehash of older stories or new stories that don’t reach very far up the “credibility bar”.
Also, the grammar is a little more understandable in the stories. Whoever owned this before was obviously not proficient in the English language, this story was almost readable, LOL
I to believe in extraterrestrial beings just my thought process is much more freely a vast universe endless if we exist because some planets playing bumpercars it doesn’t mean we are a lone there are many many facts and evidence proving that in fact we are not alone whether or not people believe doesn’t mean they are not out there we are not alone I am certain
I seen a very large UFO in Smithport PA in 1949 that was bigger then a football stadium. In the army they came to all are nike bases.
This is a piece of crap. All it means is, some guy faked it to an FBI officer, and all of those conspiracy theorists are jumping all over it. IT WAS BAIT PEOPLE!!!!!! If you cant see that than you are idiots.
I am coming to believe that these so called ETs and UFOs are not coming from outer space, but somewhere else, like a different dimension. Could account for the shape shifting and sudden disappearances.
Fascinating subject all told.