Here’s one new UFO video that was filmed on 3rd July 2016 in the sky above Paris, France.
Witness report: One of the first convincing nighttime sightings I recorded with my Sony A7s camera. While I was pointing a laser to some stars in the sky, two clear objects flying at different speeds crossed the sky.
I didn’t notice them when they appeared. After checking the footage on my PC, I noticed a pretty weird fast object glowing regularly. I first thought it was a meteor, but its constant speed and trajectory suggest something else. Indeed, I zoomed in and animated the position of the video to put the object in the center, and followed its trajectory: the object doesn’t change its speed and keeps its trajectory in a straight line. My guess is that it was some sort of propelled object, either reflecting light from an external source, or emitting its own light (a craft?).Author (WTFflow @ Youtube)

First one was moving entirely too slow to be a Satellite or the ISS. The second is moving as a Satellite does but I’ve never seen them Flashing as the video portrays.
wow your camera is stunningly clear! look how you captured the beautiful Pleiades star cluster! guess i’ll be buying a Sony A7s cam too.
That’s a fast moving ,,,,thing
The first one looks like a satellite. The second one might be a plane.
Nous avons vu ici (CHAMBERY, Savoie) le même soir (3 juillet 2016 vers 11h30) trois objets non-identifiés à basse altitude. D’abord deux ensemble, puis un troisième qui les suivait de près. Ces objets étaient cylindriques, comme un grosse boule orange et le troisième avait un faisceau lumineux et semblait scruter quelque chose. Ils se déplaçaient assez lentement puis ont pris de la vitesse en partant vers le nord-est.
I watched the same slow moving orbs last night in grass valley ca. Also the same pulse emission of light from what seemed to be a fast plane. The difference however was that the orbs numbered in the hundreds if not a thousand; they filled the sky!! Alswo several broke off and came very near us- 200 feet or so, and to an altitude of no more than 40 feet… They then hovered there for 45 minutes or so, seeming to observe our presence. i have the iphone video.Most awesome experience of my life, and by the way…the orbs look like stars at first until I realized they were in fact moving! Also what seemed to be a single engine Cessna flew right over orbs obviosly investigating the same phenomenon…