A hovering triangle UFO with three lights was sighted at Marysville in Washington. According to the report of the witness, he was sitting in their backyard along with his wife at 3:45 p.m. on September 10, 2016, when the strange sighting happened.
The reporting witness just happened to look up the clear blue sky when a UFO appeared to his view. He first thought of it as a satellite but realized it had lights that were changing in colors and movement.
He then thought it might be an airplane approaching with its lights on. His wife also observed the object, and they managed to get a video of it. For ten minutes, the object stayed in one position in the sky. The pair’s sighting lasted for 15 minutes.
MUFON investigator Timothy Ward talked with the couple about their UFO sighting.
Ward said that the pair told him the same story. They saw a triangle object at about 60-degree angle with three golden lights from the horizon. The husband and wife saw it from the north and hovered for 10 minutes and recorded it on video. The UFO then moved off to the east.
Ward checked for satellites and ISS, but none found at the observation time in the area. Chief Investigator Maryanne Snyder confirmed that the video isn’t manipulated. The witness report is filed under case 79072 in the witness reporting database of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

Is that it?That cloud that’s supposed to be a triangle?