Many believe that there are no so-called UFOs. They believe it is just a future secret technology under test. We are ignorant of it and therefore we think it is unknown. But what about large, strange yellow glow, oval-shaped object with spectrum, which unlike anything we have ever seen and didn’t match anything in our data banks, in 1981.

I know it’s true!!,I witnessed near same thing along with 3 friends in 1976,tho it was closer and so damn clear! 30 ft over over car,it was hot white & blue & showed colors out ports around this disc,red,blue,green,yellow we followed it or use for 45 min and moved as we did so fast / quick!!we all watch this disc rise in front of use tho,out of the forest trees! It’s was & is the most amazing thing I’ve ever encountered in my 60 yrs on this earth!!! THAT CRAFT WAS NOT OWER’S!!!
this is so real