Pleiadians: Alien Race Influencing Humanity & Preventing Nuclear Disasters

The Pleiades star cluster is not just another point in the sky, but in fact, the home to a race of alien beings known as the Pleiadians. Vitally, these Pleiadians are said to be a benevolent race, closely related to but more emotionally and spiritually developed than humans, interested in helping humanity on its own evolutionary journey. If this is true, then perhaps it is why the ancients continually spoke of the Pleiades as a place of knowledge and protection. Notably, the Pleiadians are said to have a much different appearance than the gray, big-headed aliens of popular culture. Rather, the Pleiadians are often referred to as Nordic aliens, due to their purported Scandinavian appearance – blonde hair, milky white skin, blue eyes.

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  1. Videos of this nature have been on the internet for a long time and should continue until we at least attain the spiritual growth described.

  2. Whole this message is very interesting, it’s doubtful that it’s 100 percent true. Be careful of what you believe.

  3. Putin is implanted by Ghou’ald evil aliens. Benevolent space beings arrival in 2022.Putin or USA attacks benovelent beings. Putin seeks to deliver Earth to Negative Evil aliens where humans will become enslaved.A stalemate or tie in Ukraine is not good enough. A Ukraine defeat is a defeat for entire planet Earth. 3 Triangles and 1 diamond see Hands Fingers Gestures ( Human + Aliens DNA ? )

    • Other way around actually. Putin is on the side of light and is fighting the dark , Russia has one space ark and the other is in the dessert in Ukraine – wondered why the US have been so involved with the Ukraine this past decade or so, they want it and Russia can’t let them have it. The arks are activating. Much more to it but do not believe what the west force you to believe putin is not the bad guy – ok he is not exactly the good guy but in the grand shame if things he is the only one trying to fight the dark , whether that is for his own means who knows but the only nation to be afraid of right now is the west.

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