A defense contractor source stated that the eyewitness account of the event was very strange. According to the source, the shooting star appeared to have descended at a high speed and split into two or three luminous objects.
The source also stated that satellites such as Starlink would have shown movement. In addition, the footage showed a triangle formation, which could have been a larger or smaller craft with illuminated vertices.
However, high-altitude reconnaissance drones, which are designed for stealth, would not have been able to produce enough light to appear in the video. Also, satellites would have moved as they entered the delta formation, which is not the case with most drones.
The incident has raised a lot of questions about the treatment of UFOs by commercial airlines. According to the captain of the plane, his company was against discussing the phenomenon.
According to Jeremy Corbell, who was the person who obtained the footage, it is very important that pilots be allowed to report encounters with UFOs without fear of retaliation. He said that he has been getting in touch with several private and commercial airline pilots who are afraid of going public with their experiences with the phenomenon.
Due to the prevalence of the stigma and retaliation against those who report encounters with extraterrestrial objects, it is becoming harder to do so, with an increased frequency. The Department of Defense (DoD) has acknowledged the importance of addressing the issue of UFOs and aviation safety.
For over 75 years, commercial and private airline pilots have been avoiding reporting encounters with extraterrestrial objects. This is unacceptable.
According to Ryan Graves, a former Navy aviator, commercial airlines should start addressing the issue of UFOs and aviation safety immediately. He said that they should wait until the science behind the phenomenon has been settled.
The implementation of safety measures and data collection procedures can help alleviate aircrew uncertainty. The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics’ (AiaA) UAP Community of Interest is working with experts to gather information related to aviation safety.
This new footage came just before the release of a classified UAP report. Military insiders have been trying to frame the report by focusing on the alleged objects that they can identify. They ignored the most compelling cases.
Following the recent reports of commercial airline UFOs, it has been reported that the number of incidents involving UAP is on the rise. This is in line with a Senate Intelligence report that stated that the threat of extraterrestrial threats to the US is on the rise.

Looks like it could be a TR3-B
What we cannot control is not necessarily be a threat, but if it is, then it makes sense not to suppress information on UAPs provided by competent professionals such as airlines pilots whose observation may be directly pertinenent to airlne safety procedures, e.g., collsion avoidance or reliable indications of hostility orthe opposite.
Which ever country this happens in , all of have no idea who or what our governments are in bed with, there’s so many more sightings these days which is the only reason the pentigon put their hands over the navy pilots UFO’s