The most popolus state in the US gets a lot of UFO and Alien sightings. Follow the latest videos and news right here! The first recorded UFO sighting ever was reported from California itself. The extraterrestrial creatures seem to have fallen in love with the deserts of USA as most of THE UFO sightings are reported from desert states, primarily California and Nevada. For the information of the viewers, the state of California has reporting the maximum UFO sightings in the last decade. Now that the alien species has become familiar with the California terrain, they are often seen visiting not singularly but in groups. Most of the recorded videos show at least 4 UFOs in various formations flying together in complete synchronicity. The appearance of these unidentified objects has even been confirmed by various news channels belonging to other countries such as South Korea etc. Some viewers, who were trying to mathematically analyse the sightings reported that the day time sightings were twice the numbers reported in the night. Many viewers confess having seen the same formation of UFOs more than thrice in a span of three days. Although there have been theories, which posit that the sightings can be linked to a HOLLYWOOD film shooting some alien warfare based movies, but the general public does not seem to believe it.

UFO filmed from police helicopter in Long Beach, Ca – 1994
March 19, 2010 – UNEXPLAINED video of a UFO captured by a police helicopter has baffled experts and become an internet hit. The infrared footage […]