Latest UFO sightings – Video of unknown lights hovering in the night sky over Cincinnati in Ohio. This footage was recorded on 22nd October 2010.
After I watched this footage for a few times, I think this lights could be on some triangle-shaped craft – three corner lights and one in the center of the craft (like TR-3B?).

very cool video, but since there aren't any vertical movements upwards it sort of makes you wonder if they're not just some sort of flares. the timing is really interesting, but nothing that couldn't be replicated by someone trying to create the effect.
What part of Cincinnati are you guys at? They look very similar to something that was tested on Fact or Faked, and they had determined the explanation to be parachuters..with lights/flares attached. If these are not parachuters, then flares possibly. I have seen something similar before here in Price Hill, but it was a long long time ago and MUCH larger, and fell in one direction. The movement of