Latest UFO sightings – This interesting video of a huge UFOs or some kind of orbs was recorded in the sky above Miami in Florida on Thursday, 17th January 2013.
More info in the video.
What do you think these objects were? Please leave your comment below!

look like aa constelation , !!!<br />
Lanterns don't form into shapes, neither do helicopters-airplanes-satelites-asteroids, or any of the other things doubters proclaim these sightings to be! Awsome Job!
Sandra, the truth is now unfolding, this is a very special time in the history of man kind however, those in power will lie and deny to the very last as the awakening does not fit their agenda.<br />Sincerely,<br />Alien Abductee (Communicator) a task given
Lanterns, helicopters, airplanes,asteroids, stars, nor any of the other things non believers proclaim these sightings to be-line up into formations!! Awsome Job!
'Doubters' 'non-believers' You sound like something out of a Monty Python sketch love. Any objects randomly floating in the sky will form shapes. 3 lanterns almost always form a triangle. These are not lanterns in my opinion, could be a hoax, could be aliens, who knows. There's something creepy about labelling those who hold a different view point to you as 'non-believers&
You did a great job of showing the houses, trees and sky to show everyone that these UFO's are real. My opinion is that they are aliens from another planet. No doubt about it. Good job!
Therfore! i think i am correct…
Proof of what?
Demon deception spoken of throughout bible. They are fallen angels transforming into our 3d. As global economies crash, these "things" will perform miracles for us chimps and declare bible written by men and of no use to us. Only a fool would fall for this. The road is narrow with few finding it———-
Buy a tripod. Or hold the camera against something to minimize the shake. You were lucky to have a camera when this went down.
This looks exactly like what I saw in Pa. in the fall of 2011. Great job!!!!
well done! these sightings are becoming an epidemic! I'm happy that more people are aware & catch it on their phones, etc.,!
This video looks impressive but I am concerned about how the poster has another video on youtube of similar lights taken on January 8, seems suspicious.
These are machines from another galaxy,they monitor us on an ongoing basis. I think that they will not let us ruin this planet by nuclear war,pollution,strip mineing,deforestation etc.They(our distant relatives) will probably let us get to the brink, then step in and make their adjustments.There might be sort of Intergalactic Rules of Agreement that mandate their intervention parameters.
I dont think they give a flying frik about us apes or this planet. We may have been visited by probes from various civilisations who are simply mapping or documenting this part of the galaxy, pretty much the exact same thing we would do if we had the tech. These civilisations could be thousands if not millions of years ahead of us and would not have the slightest interest in communicating with us
Obvious Chinese lanterns, they emerge from the same spot on the ground and the left most ones disappear as they burn out.
It does look real as a constellation would move above the horizon. It seems that something is just sitting there watching us.
Triple WOW! That was amazing! So glad you gave me the opportunity to watch the UFO show too…wish I could have been there in person but second hand is better than none!<br /><br />
Great Job ^^ Saw these things too last month , Definitely not Chinese Lanterns , 'cause once they are up in the air , they move to where the wind direction is , these orbs are just hovering for a few minutes and then made that formation . They are shaped like orbs , couldn't be any other spacecraft we know (except drones).<br /><br />There's a continuous increase of sightings of
FABULOUS FOOTAGE! – C+O+N+G+R+A+T+U+L+A+T+I+O+N+S !! Check out the amazing broad daylight footage of orbs streaking over London in two distinct areas of London on the same day – 24th June 2011 – The touriste at Tower Bridge filmed more than they expected!
so how many of you are payed by the goverment to discredit the video.
That other anonymous guy is right,these orbs are not ufos or aliens. Ive witnessed these type of orbs before and seen a orb were it was glowing red like 50ft-70ft above my head. It surprised me cause it just poped out of know where one summer night last year. I think there some kind of demonic entities. Shits strange, ive just started seeing these things in my home town in the past 2 years.
demonic entities? really. you've just started seeing things pop into the air in front of your eyes just above your head and you think they are demonic entities? i think you are seeing aliens and ufos. there are no demonic entities.
the longest footage I have ever seen..I find that the formation looks like the Orion…Peace
If you can remember what direction your looking at best area what you think you could have seen it i saw these things at nw direction looks to be over by a park.
Please everyone be calm, the reason why you have not been informed is very simple as many will grab their guns and shoot at anything that moves resulting in total chaos, yes you will see more and more craft this is designed to assist your acceptance, your Government will continue to lie and deny whilst they are aware that everyone will become aware very soon of the reality of it all. Dont panic