Ancient Aliens – Prophets and Prophecies
History Channel, Season 5 Episode 7
8th February 2013
They were the messengers of divine knowledge and seers who shared visions of the future. For thousands of years, human civilization has been guided by the words and deeds of ancient prophets, but just who–or what–were these prophets communicating with? Might the experiences of history’s prophets be evidence of communication with a heavenly source–or were seers like Elijah and Joseph Smith actually communicating with extraterrestrial overlords? And if so, are there similar prophets at work today?

The only problem with the Ancient Alien writers is that they, for the most part, have absolutely no Bible knowledge. They find one or two interesting tidbits and build an entire theory around it. <br /><br />I don't think Angels and Demons are ETs. I think what we call ETs today are actually Angels and Demons. We've just dressed them up in modern space-age language.<br /><br />What the AA
"Truth is within ourselves. It takes no rise from outward things, whate'er we may believe, there is an inmost centre within ourselves where Truth abides in fulness around which, wall upon wall, the gross flesh hems it in and makes all error. And to KNOW consiste in opening out a way whence the imprisoned splendour may escape; rather than effecting entry for a light supposed to be without
ANSWER: Bowls of light and UFOs…
Thanks again.This site is awesome.<br />The Chilbolton message said "The conduit is closing"..if this message was genuine then either they want us to be further dumbed down or its due to the many generations since the initial genetic infusions<br />