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What do you think crashed in Roswell in ’47?
Start Date: Friday, February 1, 2013
End Date: Thursday, February 28, 2013
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Previous poll results
Poll #42: Do you believe some people are in contact with extraterrestrials?
Yes: 89%
No: 11%
Start Date: Wednesday, January 2, 2013
End Date: Thursday, January 31, 2013
Total voters: 1269

The Bible talks about "UFOs," they are not called "UFOs", but they are chariots of the LORD. You can find this reoccurring theme throughout the Bible. There are three obvious descriptions of "UFOs" in the Bible: Zechariah 5:1&12, Jeremiah 4:13, and 2 Kings 2:11&12, (KJV 1611 Bible). If you believe there is no Almighty GOD, or his son JESUS CHRIST, your a fool
The Bible talks about "UFOs," they are not called "UFOs", but they are chariots of the LORD. You can find this reoccurring theme throughout the Bible. There are three obvious descriptions of "UFOs" in the Bible: Zechariah 5:1&12, Jeremiah 4:13, and 2 Kings 2:11&12, (KJV 1611 Bible). If you believe there is no Almighty GOD, or his son JESUS CHRIST, your a fool
Do you never seen the first official report (1994) " The Roswell Report: Fact vs. Fiction in the New Mexico Desert" and the second report "The Roswell Report: case closed"???<br /><br />In these files full of details, they often contradict themselves. In the first file they never talk about the discovery of "aliens" bodies. In the second file (a first file