Early in the morning of February 27, 2013 many people in the Houston, Texas area witnessed a large, bright orb of light move slowly across the sky. According to witnesses the light was in the sky for 3-4 minutes, which completely rules out the possibility of the object being a meteor or any sort of space junk.

Def something fishy about that Houston fireball for sure! Also… just so you know, Dallas area is getting hit HARD, mass sightings all over the place. A recap and the best videos: http://www.texasufosightings.com/1/post/2013/03/wowzers-dallas-youve-been-invaded.html hope that's helpful. keep up the good work!
Meteors come in at a 45 degree angle and either burn out, explode, or impact. They don't just calmly fly by and out of sight.
you sure got that right!
Meteors come in at all angles, I don't know where you got the 45 degree thing but I can assure you that's wrong. Sometimes they can come in at such a shallow angle that they skip right back into space. This guy says it lasted 3-4 minutes, no way, meteors come in at thousands of miles an hour and whether they explode, burn up, or hit the Earth it only takes seconds, 8-10 at the very most.
brownsville seems to have many and notice texas is live
So why are they talking about and calling this object a meteor? It clearly states that the object took 3-4 minutes to fly across the sky. Am I missing something here?
Agree with 3-4 minutes NOT being an indicator of a meteorite.
GIVE US TIME TO EVACUATE?!?!!???Lady,we can crap our pants later! What we need is time to HAUL A$$!