The number one inquiry against the UFO existence is “Are there enough evidence?” This section provides evidence before you attempt to debunk this claim. First, begin with verified alien quotes from high ranking and credible sources. Keep in mind that hundreds of testimonies are made available to the public. Aurora is a small town in Wise County, Texas, United States. Aurora is best known for the extraterrestrial crash which took place in April 1897, and the legend that the pilot is buried in the cemetery.

On the same day, people started their day taken spotting an airship moving slowly at a speed ranging from ten to twelve miles. According to the residents, the slow speed was the result of damage or malfunction in the airship machinery. However, several accounts claimed that this mysterious object had never been flying to the Earth before it was being spotted. The UFO gradually flew on the public square before heading towards the Northern area, with the residents watching the encounter. When it reached the Northern Part, it hit the property owned by a Judge J.S. Proctor. Since the impact is high, the aircraft was burst into pieces, leading a terrific explosion. The Aurora residents rushed to discover the debris. Since the area was completely ruined, the debris was scattered. Despite the terrible happening, still no sufficient information with regards to the wreckage type and the debris obtained at the site. According to some rumours, the debris includes hieroglyphic-type etching. On a close examination, the residents spotted a severely disfigured body.
With this encounter slowly gaining prominence, the investigators began investigating this encounter. Attempts were made to examine and exhume the remains of this “unearthly body” which were buried by the residents. The Aurora Cemetery Association challenged this course of action and hence was prosperous in hampering the attempts to exhume the alleged body. The alien body continues to be a mystery, with no information readily available on this subject.
Find out more at our Aurora UFO incident tag.

very interesting story