17 January 1957; A UFO, about 20 to 30 feet in diameter, was caught on camera hovering for around one to two minutes at approximately 60-70 feet. UFO researcher Yusuke J. Matsumura at Flying Saucer Research group in Japan had snapped a picture of the object before it was able to take off at an estimated Mach 152 in 70- degree elevation. The witness was outside his resident at 1687 Hama Isogo Ku Yokohama at around 13 minutes to 10 in the morning when the incident took place. He said that he was leaving his house to go to Tokyo when he saw a metallic flash just above his house. He managed to get his primoflex automatic – Japanese rollei automat – camera and took a picture. After hovering for a minute or two, the large UFO took off toward southeast in general direction of Tokyo Bay.

At least it’s not just a blob of light!