Here’s a new video of an unidentified flying object hovering in the sky above Tehran in Iran on 17th January 2017. It was allegedly attacked by the military artillery.
What’s your opinion about this sighting? Please leave your comment below.
Gif of Tehran “drone” exhibiting unusual flight characteristics
Here’s the photo of people’s reaction:

Not much to go on there, is it actually Iran? Could be any Middle Eastern country. You can’t even see what they are firing at! Possibly firing practice? Where’s the UFO?
This is one incredible sighting! Look at the flight pattern of a UFO, really amazing. definitely not human origin!!
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahhaha ahhahhahaaha Thank you !!! Mouahaaaahhaha hahahaahaa
Of course it was just firing practice. A drone put up there doe a target.
double that
I saw something like this flying over Downtown Los Angeles. There were two though. Same flight pattern.
You mean the three birds at the beginning? Or the clear blue open sky for the rest of this horseshit?
Hi,Why not look at some of my 572 vid’s.,some multiple of,alien or interdimensional craft or entities? See on,youtube,my channel,Robert Newton,scroll to url! Or try, ,one of seven entities filmed,this,30.jul.2016,about 12-30 am! I have hundred’s more! Robert Newton.Britain.
The stubitity of men, the shoot at anything unknown in the sky. Does not matter what it may be, even sometimes Passenger planes like MH17 . What sense does it make?
I have noticed them for the past three years. You can see them every night. They are commuting to the mountain behind “sharkate Sahami bargh Tehrn”
strong projectors have been installed in this area to blind spectators. There two big projectors blinding drivers on the south bond of “Yadegar Emm High way” south of Kooye Faraz exit.
I have many pictures and will post them at Telegram. If you like you can contact me, I show them to you any night.
Looks like there are different Types.
But the main enemy is there. The sad story is the fact that they have plan to destroy us. Like what happened to billions of bird.
The UNIVERSE is mighty vast and we are definately not alone.
Drone of some sort