UFO researchers believe they have finally discovered proof of life on Mars after finding what they think to be a hat of an ancient warrior after scouring photos of the Red Planet’s surface.
Bristol space video journalist Joe White claimed he had found images of a fallen statue from Curiosity Rover images. The images appear to show the head of an ancient warrior woman.
Mr White uploaded the images to his YouTube channel ArtAleinTV – MARSZOO. He said in the video descriptions that he found a seemingly small feminine statue head in Gale Crater on Mars in the Curiosity image from NASA.
He said that it seemed to only have a few inches in size or less.
The statue looks like a female warrior with a helmet from the middle ages on Earth. It has an apparent emblem on the forehead and with facial features similar to an Egyptian.
Mr White claimed that this is one of the hundreds of similar artefacts he has discovered on Mars in recent years, which he believed may go further to show that Mars had an ancient and artistic civilisation in the past.
How long ago is the question.
Some followers of Mr White believed it was a statue. However, many others thought it was just a part of pareidolia phenomenon.
Pareidolia is when the eyes are tricked by the brain into seeing familiar shapes or objects, such patterns, textures, faces, animals, clouds, the surface of a rock, etc.
One viewer wrote that was most likely a rock that looks like a face. They don’t believe it was something unusual in any way.

While I belive, in life on other planets. I have been watching,the different photos,videos. Of said objects,on the planet Mars. There are many of these objects. That are quite honestly, Way Out There! No pun intended. Let’s Not make this site,seem far fetched. As there Is alot of good subject matter,within this information. Yes, this object, seems to be a face. But Not a helmet. But this is my opinion. And as we All know. Everybody,is entitled to their opinion.
We all know what opinions are like. Everyone has one. Some good and some are like yours.