Jamie Maussan’s report about a photograph of clear flying saucer taken in Mexico 2010. If anyone of you speak spanish, please leave a comment with a short description of a video, thanks!
Thanks to reader who leaved a comment we now have a description of this video:
The video speaks about two separate cases of UFO´s captured by digital cameras on mobile phones out of random pictures. One case in Mexico and another in Phoenix Az. In both cases at the time the pictures were taken the shooter was unaware of the objects presence. It was at the the time they look at the pictures that they noticed the objects. In Mexico´s case, a high school kid took 4 pictures and the ufo appeared in just on of them. In the Phoenix case he took 2 pictures and the ufo appeared in just one.

The video speaks about two separate cases of UFO´s captured by digital cameras on mobile phones out of random pictures. One case in Mexico and another in Phoenix Az. In both cases at the time the pictures were taken the shooter was unaware of the objects presence. It was at the the time they look at the pictures that they noticed the objects. In Mexico´s case, a high school kid took 4 pictures