A blue sphere, believed to be massive, was noticed in front of the Sun through NASA cameras. The find captivated the imagination of UFO enthusiasts.
The mysterious images from the website of the space agency made the rounds on Facebook after Pamela Johnson uploaded it on November 15. Pamela claimed that the Sun reacted to the giant UFO.
NASA’s STEREO H1 satellites, which orbit the Sun, reportedly captured the picture. Pamela noticed several missing frames from the feed in the days after the unusual sight had surfaced.
She said the sun is casting the light from the left side of the frame. He added that the satellite’s archives showed the sun started reacting to the mystery object on November 15 and several frames are missing on the 15th and 16th.
The YouTube video that features the images has garnered nearly a hundred thousand views as of this writing. It has been met with enthusiasm and skepticism.
Mike Sovereign said that NASA would not be careless to allow something similar to it to reach the public. He speculated that something might be projecting the image in space, a project blue beam or holographic.
Youtube user mrfaithandphysics said the surface patterns are not the same to any spectrum or details of the Sun, suggesting it isn’t the sun. He added that it appears and disappears out of nowhere and doesn’t move through the frames.

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