Strange light was filmed making maneuvers over London on 26th April 2017. What do you think this is?
Witness report: Unidentified light in the sky over two areas in Sutton and Carshalton Surrey. This unexplained event happened over both my son and daughters rooftops. They live within a mile of each other and both saw the object and filmed it. The object travelled fast changing directions and hovered. It got brighter when it hovered. If you rule out laser or any other form light beam and any obvious aircraft that can manoeuvre like this, what are you left with? And the object was above the clouds.
Author (source: MUFON)

this is a hoax you can see he is in a car, and is shining a light source on to the window, didn’t you also notice that when ever his phone moved so did the thing and as soon as he stop moving so did the thing his movement was before the object. this is a classic hoax people do it with cut out pictures and stick them on windows, this unfourtantly is a hoax.
Er No! I’m afraid you are wrong. I’m standing outside my house in Wallington tonight(28/04/2017) and I am watching it clear as day.
I think it is a WW11 search light. Seen it a few times in my 20 years living here
that is exactly what it is, a search light.
I f it was above the clouds, kinda rules out a drone, but could it have been a laser?
Interesting that 2 family members saw it with a mile between.
Possibly a laser light from below?
This looks like a spotlight to me. You can see the beam of light that extends from the clouds to the ground.
We saw it last night too in Carshalton. It was definitely above the clouds. Very strange….
I was on the phone parked, just getting ready to get out from the car on the 29th of April at 21:30 when I noted that a strange light above the clouds was moving very fast and changed directions suddenly….No noise like planes do…..and faster than a plane. Tried to take a video with my phone but the quality was very poor but I still can see it if I watch it in a dark room. I started looking up on the Internet for similar experiences and I found this video. I saw exactly the same thing. If anybody was playing that must Have been done from above the clouds. It happened in Sutton.
that’s a search light, or an advertising light of some sort. totally man-made. no ufos here, folks, move along.
I saw this light a week ago on the 23rd of May and again few days later at 22:30.
it was a clear sky and this light couldn’t wasn’t flying in a straight line. Can it be a drone? which wouldn’t make me very happy as it flies on top of private gardens? I have a video but with the phone and the dark sky it is not very visible. Surely not an advertising light? Also it wasn’t a search light as the light wasn’t pointing at anything. It was just flying in one direction but not straight line. Where can we report this in case it is a drone?
I saw this light a week ago on the 23rd of May and again few days later at 22:30.
it was a clear sky and this light wasn’t flying in a straight line. Can it be a drone? which wouldn’t make me very happy as it flies on top of private gardens? I have a video but with the phone and the dark sky it is not very visible. Surely not an advertising light? Also it wasn’t a search light as the light wasn’t pointing at anything. It was just flying in one direction but not straight line. Where can we report this in case it is a drone?
It’s a klieg light, I have seen it at least a dozen times just this week
It is there right now