DailyMail.com has obtained an exclusive image of a metallic-looking orb flying over Mosul, Iraq in April 2016, from footage taken by a US intelligence-recon plane.
The recent release of an exclusive image of a metallic-looking orb flying over Mosul, Iraq in April 2016, captured by a US intelligence-reconnaissance plane, has caused a stir among both the public and government officials. The image, which was included in a classified briefing video on UFOs shown to multiple US government agencies, is being considered as the first publicly revealed image from the US government’s ongoing UFO investigation showing an unidentified craft over a conflict zone.
A briefing video released by journalists George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell describes an unidentified flying object that has a metallic shine on it’s surface. It shows an unusual image of an object flying over Mosul in Iraq. The object, which has no apparent flight surfaces, has raised suspicion about its capabilities and origin.
The sighting in a conflict zone where the US military is operating has sparked security and safety concerns at the Department of Defense. Military officials are worried that the object could endanger pilots and ground troops, as it is not known whether it is a hostile or friendly aircraft. One intelligence source said the video was sent to the Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Virginia, where imagery and electronic signals intelligence experts studied it for the United States Central Command (CENTCOM).
The release of the image has reignited the debate about UFOs and their existence, with many experts and researchers calling for more transparency and investigation into the phenomenon. The image also raises questions about the capabilities and technologies of other nations and non-state actors, as the object does not seem to be of any known design or origin.
The US government has had a long-standing interest in UFOs and their potential threats to national security. In 1947, the Air Force created Project Sign to investigate the numerous UFO sightings that were being reported. The project concluded that the majority of UFO sightings could be explained by natural phenomena or human error, but some remained unexplained. In 1953, the Air Force created Project Grudge to investigate UFOs, but it was shut down in 1955 due to lack of funding and resources.
In 1969, the Air Force created the Office of Special Investigations (OSI) to investigate UFOs. The OSI closed in 1974 due to budget constraints, but the Air Force continued to investigate UFOs through its Foreign Technology Division. In 1977, the Air Force closed its UFO investigation program, stating that there was no evidence of a threat to national security.

In 2019, the US government started investigating reports of unidentified flying objects. The Navy then formed a task force to look into these reports. The Pentagon also established a similar organization to look into these reports. The UAPTF was replaced by another agency within the Department of Defense.
The release of the image from Mosul raises questions about the capabilities of the UAPTF, and whether it has been able to provide any answers or explanations about the object. The image also raises concerns about the government’s ability to protect national security, as the object seems to be able to fly over a conflict zone without being detected or intercepted.
The image also raises questions about the government’s ability to protect national security, as the object seems to be able to fly over a conflict zone without being detected or intercepted. The object’s speed, altitude, and maneuverability are not known, but it seems to be able to fly in the vicinity of a US military operation without being detected or intercepted.
This raises concerns about the ability of the US military to protect national security, as it suggests that there may be other unidentified objects that are able to fly over US military operations without detection. This could potentially have serious implications for the safety and security of US military personnel and assets.
The image also raises questions about the government’s ability to protect national security in the face of new and emerging technologies. The object in the image appears to have advanced capabilities, such as the ability to fly at high speeds and altitudes, and maneuver in ways that are not possible with current technology. This suggests that there may be other nations or non-state actors that have access to similar or even more advanced technologies.
This incident has raised concerns about the US military’s ability to defend against threats from other nations. It also highlights the government’s vulnerability to technological changes, and it shows how quickly technological advances can be made.
The release of the image from Mosul also highlights the need for more transparency and investigation into UFOs and their potential implications for national security. The image raises questions about the government’s ability to protect national security, and it is important that the government provides answers and explanations about the object and its capabilities.
The government should be transparent regarding its investigations into reports of unidentified flying vehicles. It should also provide the public with the necessary information to understand the potential implications of these phenomena for national security. Doing so will help build public trust and confidence in its ability to protect the country.
In conclusion, the release of the image of a metallic-looking orb flying over Mosul, Iraq in April 2016 has raised serious concerns about the government’s ability to protect national security. The object’s advanced capabilities and the fact that it was able to fly over a conflict zone without being detected or intercepted suggest that there may be other unidentified objects with similar capabilities. This highlights the need for more transparency and investigation into UFOs and their potential implications for national security. It is crucial for the government to provide answers and explanations about the object and its capabilities, and to be transparent about its investigations into UFOs to address the concerns of the public.
The first episode of Weaponized, hosted by Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp, can be viewed here:

Jeremy talks to much , let Knapp talk
If these things were real the world would be in a panic and total shock.